Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Dilema

When I wake up early in the morning--4:30 ish, only today it was 3:30ish, what do I do? Do I put on my walking clothes and start the day off right with vitamins and everything? Or do I lay in bed for hours hoping for sleep that doesn't come? Do I read a little, thinking it will make me tired, but it never does? How about get up and make a great big breakfast for everyone? No, that makes noise and everyone would be up with me and that would not make for a happy evening later in the day. Let's see. I could...I don't know what else. Not clean. That is like rubbing salt in a wound. Anyhoo...just wondering.


shuttle5 said...

Oh boy am I with you in this dilemma. Yeah, not much more to say. A lot of time I lie there for a long time and then get up to study my scriptures or write in my journal. As Susan would say, it must be the thyroid problem...

Mark and Tammy said...

NO fun NO fun- I guess some people wonder what they would do if they had a few more hours in the day-you on the other hand wonder whay you would do if there werent so many hours in the night. Have you always been up that early? what time do you go to bed?? oh boy I am sorry about that. I will think of you while I am sleeping (J/K)